The Making of a Commercial: Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise

Over the past few months, our team at Post.Bid.Ship. have been working to bring to the market our newest product: Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise. With only 7 days away from the official launch of Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise, we felt this the ideal time to share our behind the scenes look at the filming of our Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise commercial. In debuting Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise, we felt the best way to communicate the true power and value of Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise was in producing a commercial that highlights Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise’s many features.

In January, Jarret Hamstreet, Post.Bid.Ship.’s COO, started writing the commercial’s script and in February he had scheduled a film crew plus hired a professional actress to help us tell the story. By March, Jarret had turned our Tucson, Arizona offices into an official film studio full of lights, cameras and action. During the video shoot, I grabbed my handy mini-HD video camera and started shooting the ‘behind the scenes’ video to capture a glimpse into what it is like to shoot a professional commercial.

The first video below we call “The Making of a Commercial: Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise”. Below that video, we share with you our never before seen in public ‘Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise’ commercial.

We hope you enjoyed “The Making of a Commercial: Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise”. Now we share with you the results of all that hardwork. We are delighted to announce Post.Bid.Ship. Enterprise!

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1 comment

  • Sanjay Pujari

    This was really a great experience to see the commercial video. I would like to say that this is a revolutionary platform that really helps to make transportation more easy and cost effective.

    I wish POST BID SHIP a great future ahead.

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