2011 Year in Review for Micky Thompson

The 2010 year saw the end of my time at The University of Arizona where I completed my MBA in Entrepreneurship. I was delighted to end the 2010 year being featured on the cover of The University of Arizona’s Eller Progress Magazine.

2011 started off on the same theme of media where I saw my life highlighted on The University of Arizona’s homepage. I felt very fortunate and blessed to have just those 2 media events happen. For a country boy from Tennessee to be on a cover of a top 20 research university magazine and then be highlighted on their website homepage for my entrepreneurial life was almost unbelievable. I would have never imagined that that media exposure would maintain itself through 2011.

When Jarret Hamstreet, my co-founder at Post.Bid.Ship., Inc., and I were invited to appear on Arizona Illustrated to talk about entrepreneurship and business in Arizona, we jumped at the opportunity. It was great to talk about our start-up Post.Bid.Ship., the state of entrepreneurship and why we chose to launch our company in Arizona.

Post.Bid.Ship. later in the year was selected as one of the 14 most innovative companies in the Southwest and we were invited to present at the Invest Southwest Conference in Phoenix. After presenting at the conference, I would be quoted in the Phoenix Business Journal on my observations of raising capital for start-ups in Arizona and the Southwest.

Later this year, Jarret and I were recognized at the Tucson, Arizona event called IdeaFunding and awarded the Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year Award for our work at Post.Bid.Ship. After receiving the award, I was interviewed by Tucson 12. Tucson 12 is a local news network which covers stories around Tucson.

To close out the year, I received a call from The New York Times asking if I would do an interview about some of the innovative methods we were using at Post.Bid.Ship. to market our services to commercial shippers and truckers.

20111230 New York Times Your The Boss

So 2011 was a year of media for me and it looks like 2012 will continue this theme. As I write this article, I am also scheduling a television appearance on an Arizona business show in Phoenix to discuss the Arizona Technology Investment Forum‘s recent investment into Post.Bid.Ship.

I look forward to sharing in 2012 more of my insights and passion for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Start-ups whether through the media or here on my personal blog.

Stay tuned and Happy New Year!

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