What Angel Investors Want Now

My friend and fellow entrepreneur, Jarret Hamstreet, shared with me an informative article from a recent issue of BusinessWeek regarding Angel Investors. Here is an excerpt:

Competition for startup cash is tougher than ever, and companies that might have sought venture capital in the past are turning to angels.

The article also includes insight from 11 of our country’s leading angels. Below is another excerpt:

While the market roller-coaster continues, entrepreneurs looking to start businesses still need to raise money. We spoke to 11 leading angel investors across the country to see what the credit crunch, stock market declines, and economic uncertainty mean for startups looking for angel dollars. Among the lessons: There’s a premium on experienced management. And make sure you know how to conserve cash if you are lucky enough to raise funds.

Click here to read the BusinessWeek article online. To see what the 11 angel investors are looking for in today’s market, click here.

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  • Dave Anderson

    Great article, very interesting thanks for passing. I really liked looking at what each of the folks looked for too. By the way, I always thought you looked more like Jim Nabors, not Brad Pitt. But what do I know. 🙂 May God bless you in your finals!

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